For the last few months I have been experiencing the uncanny. At least once a day but often multiple times a day I will look at a clock or some other number device and see a pattern. It is not uncommon for me to happen to look at a clock at 11:11 or 12:34. My watch happens to be set on military time so 15:51 can be staring back at me when I look down. It has become so frequent that I'm starting to think it isn't random.
My sci fi theory on this is that I am actually in a coma but I'm not brain dead. My mind has come up with this life that I am currently leading. I mean, I've changed jobs, changed cities, changed gyms, phones, and hobbies so maybe none of it is actually real. Anyway, my family, friends, and doctors have been trying to get me out of my coma to no avail. Each time they try something my mind registers the message as an odd coincidence in my imagined life - the numbers. Continuing on in my theory, I have not been registering any improvement in my real life because I keep shrugging off noticing the numbers. But now, if my theory is correct, blogging about noticing the numbers may just be my comatose brain's way of letting my doctors know that I am getting their messages and to keep trying.
I want them to keep trying because I would like to think that if my brain wanted to stay comatose it would have created an alternate universe that did not involve impending snow and cold weather. Although it is sunny today. I would be on a cruise, I would be rich, I would be hot. I am certain that my comatose me could come up with something better than this. (Interesting, as I type this my computer screen keeps shutting off and on. Is the comatose me trying to impede me sending this blog?)
It is just possible that I have completely gone off the deep end.
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