What's in a blog?
So, a while ago I started reading blogs. I had heard of them for sure but never got on the blog reading bandwagon. But once I started, I couldn't stop. As one blog's referencing to another blog led to further blogs, I spiraled into an addiction that consumed quite a bit of my time every day. I discovered blogs that kept me abreast of the latest news of interest, blogs commenting on the writer's own observations of human nature, gossip blogs, and the diaries of some of my friends. I have since pared down the number of blogs that I read and obviously noticed that the reason I am left with those particular blogs is because they give me what I want to read. I have discovered though, that if I am not careful, my relevant world becomes the one I see through the looking glass of my blogs. And it is definitely not unbiased.
Last week, Peter Jennings died. As the discussion ensued as to who would replace him (business is business after all), a haystack of statistics was thrown out regarding the demographic that watches his news program. How will they keep that demographic, who could attract a further demographic? It made me wonder - "In the age of blogging, who really watches the news?" I would like to think that one would still watch the evening news to get unbiased reporting of the world around us. But in this political climate both news stations and reporters have been accused of leaning one way or the other. And so as we Americans spend more and more time in front of our computers siphoning away only those sites we have the time or the desire to read, we run the risk of becoming a modified adage:
You are what you blog.
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